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选择哪种原材料才能满足我的要求/Which raw material can meet my requirements?

2023-04-07 14:48:12


1天然橡胶(NR 以橡胶烃(聚异戊二烯)为主,含少量蛋白质、水分、树脂酸、糖类和无机盐等。 弹性大,定伸强度高,抗撕裂性和电绝缘性优良,耐磨性和耐旱性良好,加工性佳,易于其它材料粘合,在综合性能方面优于多数合成橡胶。缺点是耐氧和耐臭氧性差,容易老化变质;耐油和耐溶剂性不好,第抗酸碱的腐蚀能力低;耐热性不高。使用温度范围:约-60~80。 制作轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、胶带、电线电缆的绝缘层和护套以及其他通用制品。特别适用于制造扭振消除器、发动机减震器、机器支座、橡胶-金属悬挂元件、膜片、模压制品。

 2丁苯橡胶SBR 丁二烯和苯乙烯的共聚体。 性能接近天然橡胶,是目前产量最大的通用合成橡胶,其特点是耐磨性、耐老化和耐热性超过天然橡胶,质地也较天然橡胶均匀。缺点是:弹性较低,抗屈挠、抗撕裂性能较差;加工性能差,特别是自粘性差、生胶强度低。使用温度范围:约-50~100。 主要用以代替天然橡胶制作轮胎、胶板、胶管、胶鞋及其他通用制品。

    3顺丁橡胶BR 是由丁二烯聚合而成的顺式结构橡胶。 优点是:弹性与耐磨性优良,耐老化性好,耐低温性优异,在动态负荷下发热量小,易于金属粘合。缺点是强度较低,抗撕裂性差,加工性能与自粘性差。使用温度范围:约-60~100。 一般多和天然橡胶或丁苯橡胶并用,主要制作轮胎胎面、运输带和特殊耐寒制品。

4、异戊橡胶IR 是由异戊二烯单体聚合而成的一种顺式结构橡胶。 化学组成、立体结构与天然橡胶相似,性能也非常接近天然橡胶,故有合成天然橡胶之称。它具有天然橡胶的大部分优点,耐老化由于天然橡胶,弹性和强力比天然橡胶稍低,加工性能差,成本较高。使用温度范围:约-50℃~+100℃ 可代替天然橡胶制作轮胎、胶鞋、胶管、胶带以及其他通用制品。

5氯丁橡胶CR 是由氯丁二烯做单体乳液聚合而成的聚合体。 这种橡胶分子中含有氯原子,所以与其他通用橡胶相比:它具有优良的抗氧、抗臭氧性,不易燃,着火后能自熄,耐油、耐溶剂、耐酸碱以及耐老化、气密性好等优点;其物理机械性能也比天然橡胶好,故可用作通用橡胶,也可用作特种橡胶。主要缺点是耐寒性较差,比重较大、相对成本高,电绝缘性不好,加工时易粘滚、易焦烧及易粘模。此外,生胶稳定性差,不易保存。使用温度范围:约-45~100。 主要用于制造要求抗臭氧、耐老化性高的电缆护套及各种防护套、保护罩;耐油、耐化学腐蚀的胶管、胶带和化工衬里;耐燃的地下采矿用橡胶制品,以及各种模压制品、密封圈、垫、粘结剂等。

6丁基橡胶IIR 是异丁烯和少量异戊二烯或丁二烯的共聚体。 最大特点是气密性好,耐臭氧、耐老化性能好,耐热性较高,长期工作温度可在130以下;能耐无机强酸(如硫酸、硝酸等)和一般有机溶剂,吸振和阻尼特性良好,电绝缘性也非常好。缺点是弹性差,加工性能差,硫化速度慢,粘着性和耐油性差。使用温度范围:约-40~120。 主要用作内胎、水胎、气球、电线电缆绝缘层、化工设备衬里及防震制品、耐热运输带、耐热老化的胶布制品。

7、丁晴橡胶NBR 丁二烯和丙烯晴的共聚体。 特点是耐汽油和脂肪烃油类的性能特别好,仅次于聚硫橡胶、丙烯酸酯和氟橡胶,而优于其他通用橡胶。耐热性好,气密性、耐磨及耐水性等均较好,粘结力强。缺点是耐寒及耐臭氧性较差,强力及弹性较低,耐酸性差,电绝缘性不好,耐极性溶剂性能也较差。使用温度范围:约-30℃~+100℃。 主要用于制造各种耐油制品,如胶管、密封制品等。

8氢化丁晴橡胶HNBR 丁二烯和丙烯晴的共聚体。 它是通过全部或部分氢化NBR的丁二烯中的双键而得到的。其特点是机械强度和耐磨性高,用过氧化物交联时耐热性比NBR好,其他性能与丁晴橡胶一样。缺点是价格较高。使用温度范围:约-30~150。 主要用于耐油、耐高温的密封制品。

9乙丙橡胶EPM\\EPDM 乙烯和丙烯的共聚体,一般分为二元乙丙橡胶和三元乙丙橡胶。 特点是抗臭氧、耐紫外线、耐天候性和耐老化性优异,居通用橡胶之首。电绝缘性、耐化学性、冲击弹性很好,耐酸碱,比重小,可进行高填充配合。耐热可达150,耐极性溶剂-酮、酯等,但不耐脂肪烃和芳香烃,其他物理机械性能略次于天然橡胶而优于丁苯橡胶。缺点是自粘性和互粘性很差,不易粘合。使用温度范围:约-50~150。 主要用作化工设备衬里、电线电缆包皮、蒸汽胶管、耐热运输带、汽车用橡胶制品及其他工业制品。

10、硅橡胶Q 为主链含有硅、氧原子的特种橡胶,其中起主要作用的是硅元素。 其主要特点是既耐高温(最高300)又耐低温(最低-100),是目前最好扥艾寒、耐高温橡胶;同时电绝缘性优良,对热氧化和臭氧的稳定性很高,化学惰性大。缺点是机械强度较低,耐油、耐溶剂和耐酸碱性差,较难硫化,价格较贵。使用温度:-60~200。 主要用于制作耐高低温制品(胶管、密封件等)、耐高温电线电缆绝缘层,由于其无毒无味,还用于食品及医疗工业。

11、橡胶FPM 是由含氟单体共聚而成的有机弹性体。 其特点耐温高可达300℃,耐酸碱,耐油性是耐油橡胶中最好的,抗辐射、耐高真空性能好;电绝缘性、机械性能、耐化学腐蚀性、耐臭氧、耐大气老化性均优良。缺点是加工性差,价格昂贵耐寒性差,弹性透气性较低。使用温度范围:-20℃~+200℃。 主要用于国防工业制造飞机、火箭上的耐真空、耐高温、耐化学腐蚀的密封材料、胶管或其他零件及汽车工业。

12聚氨酯橡胶AU\\EU 有聚酯(或聚醚)与二异氰酸酯类化合物聚合而成的弹性体。 其特点是耐磨性好,在各种橡胶中是最好的;强度高、弹性好、耐油性优良。耐臭氧、耐老化、气密性等也优异。缺点是耐温性能较差,耐水和耐碱性差,耐芳香烃、氯化烃及酮、酯、醇类等溶剂性较差。使用温度范围:约-30~80。 制作轮胎紧挨由零件、垫圈、防震制品,以及耐磨、高强度和耐油的橡胶制品。

13丙烯酸酯橡胶ACM\\AEM 它是丙烯酸乙酯或丙烯酸丁酯的聚合物。 其特点是兼有良好的耐热、耐油性能,在含有硫、磷、氯添加剂的润滑油中性能稳定。同时耐老化、耐氧和臭氧、耐紫外线、气密性优良。缺点是耐寒性差,不耐水,不耐蒸汽及有机和无机酸、碱。在甲醇、乙二醇、酮酯等水溶性溶液内膨胀严重。同时弹性和耐磨性差,电绝缘性差,加工性能较差。使用温度范围:约-25~150。 可用于制造耐油、耐热、耐老化的制品,如密封件、胶管、化工衬里等。

14氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶CSM 它是聚乙烯经氯化和磺化处理后,所得到具有弹性的聚合物。 耐臭氧紧挨老化优良,耐候性优于其它橡胶。阻燃、耐热、耐溶剂性及耐大多数化学药品和耐酸碱性能较好。电绝缘性尚可,耐磨性与丁苯橡胶相似。缺点是抗撕裂性能差,加工性能不好。使用温度范围:约-20~120。 可用作臭氧发生器上的密封材料,制造耐油密封件、电线电缆包皮以及耐油橡胶制品和化工衬里。

15氯醚橡胶CO\\ECO 由环氧氯丙烷均聚或由环氧氯丙烷与环氧乙烷共聚而成的聚合物。 特点是耐脂肪烃及氯化烃溶剂、耐碱、耐水、耐老化性能极好,耐臭氧性、耐蛐越舭と刃浴苄愿摺H钡闶乔苛系汀越喜睢敌圆涣肌J褂梦露确段В涸迹?0~140。 可用作胶管、密封件、薄膜和容器衬里、油箱、胶辊,制造油封、水封等。

16氯化聚乙烯橡胶CMCPE 是聚乙烯通过氯取代反应制成的具有弹性的聚合物。 性能与氯磺化聚乙烯橡胶接近,其特点是流动性好,容易加工;有优良的耐天候性、耐臭氧性和耐电晕性,耐热、耐酸碱、耐油性良好。缺点是弹性差、压缩变形较大,电绝缘性较低。使用温度范围:约-20~120。 电线电缆护套、胶管、胶带、胶辊化工衬里等。

Our reserve inventory includes many kinds of raw materials in stock, such as NBR, HBNR, FKM, AFLASH, EPDM, SIL, etc. According to different uses, you can select the appropriate products according to the following description of raw materials as a reference, or consult our customer service personnel. We can help you select the most suitable materials to meet your performance and cost requirements.

1. Natural rubber (NR) is mainly composed of rubber hydrocarbons (polyisoprene), containing a small amount of protein, water, resin acids, sugars and inorganic salts. It has large elasticity, high constant elongation strength, excellent tear resistance and electrical insulation, good abrasion resistance and drought resistance, good processability, and is easy to bond with other materials. It is superior to most synthetic rubber in terms of comprehensive performance. The disadvantage is poor resistance to oxygen and ozone, easy to aging and deterioration; Poor resistance to oil and solvent, and low resistance to acid and alkali corrosion; The heat resistance is not high. Operating temperature range: about - 60 ℃~+80 ℃. Make tires, rubber shoes, rubber hoses, tapes, insulation layers and sheaths of wires and cables and other general products. It is especially suitable for manufacturing torsional vibration eliminator, engine shock absorber, machine support, rubber-metal suspension element, diaphragm and molded products.

2. Styrene butadiene rubber (SBR) is a copolymer of butadiene and styrene. Its performance is close to that of natural rubber, and it is the largest general synthetic rubber in production at present. Its characteristics are that its wear resistance, aging resistance and heat resistance are better than that of natural rubber, and its texture is also more uniform than that of natural rubber. The disadvantages are: low elasticity, poor flexibility and tear resistance; Poor processability, especially poor self-adhesion and low raw rubber strength. Operating temperature range: about - 50 ℃~+100 ℃. It is mainly used to replace natural rubber to make tires, rubber plates, rubber hoses, rubber shoes and other general products.

3. BR is a cis-structured rubber polymerized from butadiene. The advantages are: excellent elasticity and wear resistance, good aging resistance, excellent low temperature resistance, low heat generation under dynamic load, and easy metal bonding. The disadvantages are low strength, poor tear resistance, poor processability and self-adhesion. Operating temperature range: about - 60 ℃~+100 ℃. Generally, it is mostly used with natural rubber or styrene-butadiene rubber, mainly to make tire tread, transport belt and special cold-resistant products.

4. Isoprene rubber (IR) is a cis-structured rubber polymerized from isoprene monomer. Its chemical composition and three-dimensional structure are similar to those of natural rubber, and its performance is also very close to that of natural rubber, so it is called synthetic natural rubber. It has most of the advantages of natural rubber. Due to its low elasticity and strength, its processing performance is poor and its cost is high. Operating temperature range: about - 50 ℃~+100 ℃ can replace natural rubber to make tires, rubber shoes, rubber hoses, tapes and other general products.

5. Chloroprene rubber (CR) is a polymer polymerized by chloroprene as monomer lotion. This rubber molecule contains chlorine atoms, so compared with other general rubbers, it has the advantages of excellent oxygen resistance, ozone resistance, non-flammability, self-extinguishing after ignition, oil resistance, solvent resistance, acid and alkali resistance, aging resistance and good airtightness; Its physical and mechanical properties are also better than natural rubber, so it can be used as general rubber and special rubber. The main disadvantages are poor cold resistance, large proportion, high relative cost, poor electrical insulation, easy to stick and roll, easy to scorch and easy to stick to the mold during processing. In addition, the raw rubber has poor stability and is not easy to preserve. Operating temperature range: about - 45 ℃~+100 ℃. It is mainly used for manufacturing cable sheaths, various protective sleeves and protective covers that require high ozone resistance and aging resistance; Oil and chemical resistant rubber hose, tape and chemical lining; Fire-resistant rubber products for underground mining, as well as various molded products, sealing rings, gaskets, adhesives, etc.

6. Butyl rubber (IIR) is a copolymer of isobutylene and a small amount of isoprene or butadiene. It is characterized by good air tightness, ozone resistance, aging resistance, high heat resistance, and long-term working temperature below 130 ℃; It can withstand strong inorganic acids (such as sulfuric acid, nitric acid, etc.) and general organic solvents, has good vibration absorption and damping characteristics, and has excellent electrical insulation. The disadvantages are poor elasticity, poor processing performance, slow curing speed, poor adhesion and oil resistance. Operating temperature range: about - 40 ℃~+120 ℃. It is mainly used as inner tube, water tube, balloon, wire and cable insulation layer, chemical equipment lining and shock-proof products, heat-resistant transport belt, heat-resistant aging adhesive tape products.

7. NBR is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. It is characterized by excellent resistance to gasoline and aliphatic hydrocarbon oil, second only to polysulfide rubber, acrylate and fluororubber, and superior to other general rubber. Good heat resistance, air tightness, wear resistance and water resistance, strong adhesion. The disadvantages are poor cold and ozone resistance, low strength and elasticity, poor acid resistance, poor electrical insulation, and poor polar solvent resistance. Operating temperature range: about - 30 ℃~+100 ℃. It is mainly used to manufacture various oil-resistant products, such as rubber hose and sealing products.

8. Hydrogenated butadiene rubber (HNBR) is a copolymer of butadiene and acrylonitrile. It is obtained by completely or partially hydrogenating the double bond in butadiene of NBR. It is characterized by high mechanical strength and wear resistance, better heat resistance than NBR when cross-linked with peroxide, and other properties are the same as those of NBR. The disadvantage is that the price is high. Operating temperature range: about - 30 ℃~+150 ℃. It is mainly used for oil and high temperature resistant sealing products.

9. Ethylene-propylene rubber (EPDM EPDM) is a copolymer of ethylene and propylene, which is generally divided into EPDM and EPDM. It is characterized by excellent ozone resistance, UV resistance, weather resistance and aging resistance, ranking first in general rubber. Good electrical insulation, chemical resistance, impact elasticity, acid and alkali resistance, small specific gravity, and high filling coordination. Heat resistance can reach 150 ℃, resistance to polar solvent-ketones, esters, etc., but not to aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. Other physical and mechanical properties are slightly inferior to natural rubber and superior to styrene-butadiene rubber. The disadvantage is that self-adhesion and mutual adhesion are very poor, and it is not easy to bond. Operating temperature range: about - 50 ℃~+150 ℃. It is mainly used for lining of chemical equipment, covering of wires and cables, steam hose, heat-resistant transport belt, rubber products for automobiles and other industrial products.

10. Silicone rubber (Q) is a special rubber with silicon and oxygen atoms in its main chain, in which silicon plays a major role. Its main characteristics are both high temperature resistance (maximum 300 ℃) and low temperature resistance (minimum - 100 ℃). It is the best cold and high temperature resistant rubber currently; At the same time, it has excellent electrical insulation, high stability to thermal oxidation and ozone, and great chemical inertia. The disadvantages are low mechanical strength, poor oil resistance, solvent resistance, acid and alkali resistance, difficult vulcanization and high price. Operating temperature: - 60 ℃~+200 ℃. It is mainly used for making high and low temperature resistant products (rubber tubes, seals, etc.), high temperature resistant wire and cable insulation layer. Because it is non-toxic and odorless, it is also used in food and medical industry.

11. Fluoroelastomer (FPM) is an organic elastomer made by copolymerization of fluorine-containing monomers. Its characteristics are temperature resistance up to 300 ℃, acid and alkali resistance, oil resistance is the best among oil resistant rubber, radiation resistance and high vacuum resistance; Electrical insulation, mechanical properties, chemical corrosion resistance, ozone resistance and atmospheric aging resistance are excellent. The disadvantages are poor processability, high price, poor cold resistance and low elasticity and permeability. Operating temperature range: - 20 ℃~+200 ℃. It is mainly used in the defense industry to manufacture vacuum, high temperature and chemical corrosion resistant sealing materials, rubber tubes or other parts on aircraft and rockets and in the automobile industry.

12. Polyurethane rubber (AU EU) has an elastomer formed by polymerization of polyester (or polyether) and diisocyanate compounds. It is characterized by good wear resistance and is the best among all kinds of rubber; High strength, good elasticity and excellent oil resistance. Ozone resistance, aging resistance and air tightness are also excellent. The disadvantages are poor temperature resistance, poor water and alkali resistance, and poor resistance to aromatic hydrocarbons, chlorinated hydrocarbons, ketones, esters, alcohols and other solvents. Operating temperature range: about - 30 ℃~+80 ℃. The tire is made of parts, gaskets, shock-proof products, as well as wear-resistant, high-strength and oil-resistant rubber products.

13. Acrylate rubber (ACM AEM) is a polymer of ethyl acrylate or butyl acrylate. It is characterized by good heat and oil resistance and stable performance in lubricating oil containing sulfur, phosphorus and chlorine additives. At the same time, it is resistant to aging, oxygen and ozone, ultraviolet radiation, and air tightness. The disadvantage is poor cold resistance, water resistance, steam resistance, organic and inorganic acids and alkalis. It swells seriously in water-soluble solutions such as methanol, ethylene glycol and ketone ester. At the same time, the elasticity and wear resistance are poor, the electrical insulation is poor, and the processing performance is poor. Operating temperature range: about - 25 ℃~+150 ℃. It can be used to manufacture oil resistant, heat resistant and aging resistant products, such as seals, rubber hoses, chemical linings, etc.

14. Chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber (CSM) is an elastic polymer obtained from chlorinated and sulfonated polyethylene. Ozone resistance is superior to aging, and weather resistance is superior to other rubbers. Flame retardancy, heat resistance, solvent resistance, resistance to most chemicals and acid and alkali resistance are good. The electrical insulation is acceptable, and the abrasion resistance is similar to that of styrene-butadiene rubber. The disadvantages are poor tear resistance and poor processing performance. Operating temperature range: about - 20 ℃~+120 ℃. It can be used as a sealing material on the ozone generator to manufacture oil-resistant seals, wire and cable sheaths, oil-resistant rubber products and chemical linings.

15. Chloroether rubber (CO ECO) is a polymer formed by homopolymerization of epichlorohydrin or copolymerization of epichlorohydrin and ethylene oxide. It is characterized by excellent resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbon and chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents, alkali resistance, water resistance, aging resistance, ozone resistance, resistance to saltwater and salt water. (2) It is also characterized by high temperature, high temperature, high temperature, high stability, and high temperature В Dry track? 0℃~+140℃。 It can be used as rubber hose, sealing element, film and container lining, oil tank, rubber roller, manufacturing oil seal, water seal, etc.

16. Chlorinated polyethylene rubber (CM or CPE) is an elastic polymer made of polyethylene through chlorine substitution reaction. Its performance is close to that of chlorosulfonated polyethylene rubber, which is characterized by good fluidity and easy processing; It has excellent weather resistance, ozone resistance, corona resistance, heat resistance, acid and alkali resistance and oil resistance. The disadvantages are poor elasticity, large compression deformation and low electrical insulation. Operating temperature range: about - 20 ℃~+120 ℃. Wire and cable sheath, rubber hose, adhesive tape, rubber roll chemical lining, etc.